Author, publisher, lecturer

Dr Hartmut Frenzel

Hartmut Frenzel

Benefit from my knowledge.



  • Occupational safety checklists (publisher and author)
  • Handbook office workstations, design, legal bases, training (publisher and author)

Both publications are published by ecomed-Verlag.


  • Interview with Dr Hartmut Frenzel: Safety and health at work during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Issue 11/2020, Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG.
  • Masked ball in the company, article, together with lawyer Prof. Dr Alenfelder, in the news portal and article archive of the trade journals Sicherheitsingenieur und Sicherheitsbeauftragter - Praxisinfos zu Arbeitsschutz und weit mehr, Dr. Curt Haefner-Verlag GmbH, Vangerowstraße 14/1, 69115 Heidelberg, 28.10.2020
  • Together on a path, guest commentary in the magazine "Der Bergische Unternehmer", page 30, January 2020
  • Structured occupational health and safety is a success factor for every company, article in the BDU's ORGANISATIONAL and PROCESS MANAGEMENT portal, September 2018
  • Chefsache Datenschutz-Grundverordnung, article in the BDU's specialist topic portal RECHT, January 2018
  • Fire protection, occupational health and safety in the office, regulations with implementation aids, checklists, training documents with slides (2000)
  • Electrical installations and equipment, industrial safety, legal bases, practice, documentation (1998)


  • Review of the commentary on the General Equal Treatment Act by Klaus Adomeit and Jochen Mohr, Kuselit Rechtsbibliographie (2007)
  • Review of Environmental Law by Michael Kotulla, Kuselit Legal Bibliography (2007)

Lectures - live

  • Occupational health and safety in savings banks, The role of the safety expert in the redesign of workplaces - from the initial idea to use by employees, Unfallkasse NRW, Much (09.11.2023)
  • Occupational health and safety in savings banks, The role of the safety specialist in the redesign of workplaces - from the initial idea to use by employees, Unfallkasse NRW, Lünen (02.11.2023)
  • Occupational health and safety in savings banks, transfer of employer obligations using the example of Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal, Unfallkasse NRW, Much (10 November 2022)
  • Occupational health and safety in savings banks, table water systems of a special kind, Unfallkasse NRW, Much (10.11.2022)
  • Occupational health and safety in savings banks, transfer of employer obligations using the example of Stadtsparkasse Wuppertal, Unfallkasse NRW, Lünen (03.11.2022)
  • Occupational health and safety in savings banks, table water systems of a special kind, Unfallkasse NRW, Lünen (03.11.2022)
  • The Pareto entrepreneur - achieving more with a focus on time management, Occupational health and safety - clearing out the health and safety committee - implementing risk assessment more efficiently, ..., Der Mittelstand. BVMW e.V., Wuppertal (05.04.2022)
  • Innovations in management systems - tips for implementation, Environmental Protection Working Group of the Bergische IHK Wuppertal-Solingen-Remscheid as a guest at Dirostahl - Karl Diederich KG, Remscheid (23/05/2019)
  • Data protection - Implementation in practice: Workshop for management consultancies, Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater e. V. - BDU - Event for data protection officers of BDU member companies, Bonn (20 May 2019)
  • The mother of all tasks - The register of processing activities, Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater e. V. - BDU - Event for data protection officers of BDU member companies, Cologne (17 April 2018)
  • DS-GVO basics, Interessengemeinschaft Friedrich-Ebert-Straße e. V., Wuppertal (09/04/2018)
  • Increasing the Efficiency of the General Equal Treatment Act - an Economic Analysis, II Annual Conference of the Spanish Association of Law and Economics (Asociación Española de Derecho y Economía) (2011)
  • Damages in German Labor Law - Amending the AGG, I Annual Conference of the Spanish Association of Law and Economics (Asociación Española de Derecho y Economía) (2010) | Awarded lecture (cash prize)
  • Legal-economic analysis of the AGG from a labour law perspective, 4th GERMAN ANTI-DISCRIMINATION DAY (2009)
  • Justice management according to EAC Standard 30000 ff., 3rd GERMAN ANTI-DISCRIMINATION DAY (2008)

Lectures - online

  • Keynote speech, Occupational health and safety according to the Pareto principle, Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater e. V. - BDU, Bonn (03/03/2022)
  • Webinar, Current tightening of occupational health and safety law: SARS-CoV-2 Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance, Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, ESV Academy, Berlin (04/02/2021)
  • In-house web conference for a rescue service provider, Corona and occupational health and safety - Safety and health at work in times of Corona, Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, ESV Academy, Berlin (25 November 2020)
  • Web conference, From practice: The implementation of safety and health at work during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, VDSI Forum NRW 2020, Prevention, public health and work design in times of pandemic, Bergische Universität Wuppertal (10 September 2020)
  • Online seminar, New regulations in the areas of occupational health and safety and infection protection,
    Digital Compliance Days, Handelsblatt Fachmedien (04/06/2020)
  • Online seminar, Safety and health at work in times of Corona for management consultancies, Bundesverband Deutscher Unternehmensberater e.V. - BDU, Bonn (09.06.2020)
  • Online seminar, Safety and health at work in times of Corona, Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, ESV Academy, Berlin (08/06/2020)
  • Online seminar, Safety and health at work in times of Corona, Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, ESV Academy, Berlin (27 April 2020)
  • Online seminar, Safety and health at work in times of Corona, Erich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, ESV Academy, Berlin (15 April 2020)


(currently not continued)

  • FHDW, Mettmann - Business ethics
  • REFA - Occupational safety and design, environmental protection and waste management
  • Technical Academy Wuppertal
    - Occupational Health and Safety Act - onerous obligation or opportunity?
    - Economical design of office workstations
  • PfA - Practitioners' Forum - The new Workplace Ordinance in operational practice
  • KURS Institute
    - The new Workplace Ordinance - implementation and application in operational practice as a challenge for employers and works / staff councils.
    - The new Hazardous Substances Ordinance - implementation and application in operational practice as a challenge for employers and works / staff councils.
  • Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce
    - Certified media specialist - legally aware behaviour (occupational health and safety law / occupational safety)
    - Certified Industrial Master Craftsman / Industrial Master Craftswoman in Digital and Print Media - Legally aware behaviour (occupational health and safety law / occupational safety)
    - Certified Industrial Master Craftsman / Industrial Master Craftswoman Paper Processing - Legally aware behaviour (occupational health and safety law / occupational safety)



Wuppertal, Germany

Member of the German Association of Specialist Journalists (DFJV)

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