Occupational safety and environmental protection

Frequently asked questions about counselling

How does a counselling session work?

When you contact us, we will first clarify what you would like us to advise you on: Do you already have specific questions? Is there a specific problem? Do you need advice before you start planning?

Counselling can take place by e-mail, telephone or video call. A face-to-face meeting is rarely necessary, but it depends on the individual case.

What does a consultation cost?

There is no universal answer to this question.

There are various options available.

  • Billing according to time spent (with our hourly rate of € 360 net)
  • Billing via a flat rate
  • Billing with a combination of the aforementioned models

Sometimes we also agree on a minimum fee or a so-called basic fee.

  • The minimum fee is what we have agreed. Even if it takes less time.
  • Basic fee: We agree this fee in addition to the time-based fee.

Due to our specialisation, we are able to answer a question in just a few minutes. Billing for these few minutes would not allow us to work economically or would not do justice to our specialisation and the benefits for the client.

We will send you an offer in which the billing method is clearly defined.

How quickly can the counselling take place?

As a rule, we are able to respond quickly, i.e. on the same day if necessary. However, this depends on many factors.

How quickly can we access the required data? How quickly can our contact person at the client be reached for queries? How extensive is the matter? Are the necessary documents well organised and easy to understand? What is our current order situation in terms of deadlines?

Absences can be due to holidays, personal training, event attendance or private life.

If you are in a hurry or would like a specific date (and/or time), please let us know right at the beginning.

Unfortunately, we often find that the urgency is not recognisable and things then become hectic.

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